Friday, June 17, 2011

Guitar PLR 5 Pack #1 for $5

I just wrote and uploaded a new plr article pack to Great PLR Now.  This article pack is the first of 2.  The next one should be uploaded later tonight.

There are so many things you could promote with the guitar plr article pack there is no way I could list them all here.  Clickbank is full  of products like jamorama and other guitar learning ebooks.  Amazon has just as many books, programs, and even guitars and amps.  Musicians friend and guitar center, and probably most other online retailers, have affiliate programs.  There is no shortage of people looking for this information and no shortage of people willing to buy!

Guitar PLR 5 pack for $5

  1. How to Buy the Guitar You Want for Your Style of Playing (547 words)
  2. The Music You Love Usually Determines The Guitar You Buy (372 words)
  3. Beginner Guitars- Are They Worth Looking Into (580 words)
  4. Buying a Guitar for a Child- Full Size Vs. Child Size (502 words)
  5. Parts of the Guitar and What They Do (447 words)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Reverse Mortgage PLR Pack

I just wrote and posted a PLR 5 Pack of articles to Great PLR Now.  The articles are about reverse mortgages and cover most of the basics.

Amazon has a ton of books and clickbank has just as many.  There is no shortage of things to promote and no shortage of people to promote the reverse mortgage plr pack to.

Reverse Mortgage PLR 5 Pack For $5

1. Reverse Mortgages Qualifications- How do I know if I Qualify for a Reverse Mortgage (457 words)
2. What Is a Reverse Mortgage and How Does it Work (420 words)
3. Seniors and Reverse Mortgages- What are Some of the  Pitfalls (602 words)
4.  Reverse Mortgage Information and Disadvantages (444 words)
5. What are the Obligations of a Senior With a Reverse Mortgage (400 words)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Natural Pain Remedies PLR 5 pack- $5

I just completed a 5 pack of plr articles at Great PLR Now.  The new article pack is about natural pain remedies and only costs $5.  It is a great pack and it took me quite a while to research and write.

You have a ton of options with this PLR pack.  You can add it to your site, you could break it up into blog posts, you might even be able to re-word it and break it into a small Email autoresponder. 

The choice is yours!  I hope you enjoy it and leave me some feedback!

Follow me @greatplrnow

How to use my Plasma and LCD TV PLR Pack

Everyone wants a TV.  Amazon has a great affiliate program and I think that would be the best way to use my new and first PLR pack on plasma and lcd tvs.  You could use them as articles, break them up and make a few blog posts.  The options are endless.

This PLR pack is more geared toward people selling real products, not so much people selling info products, but either way, I'm sure you could work it out!

If you like the article pack, please comment!

Follow me @greatplrnow

Why Great PLR Now was started

In my travels through the internet marketing world, I discovered that certain people like to do one thing (like squidoo) and totally hate other things (like writing articles).  That is why I started Great PLR Now, because I love to write.  I would rather write than build a lens or a web page. 

All of the articles on Great PLR Now will be hand written by me, spell checked, and saved as a text file.  All of them will be original and the quality will be through the roof!

If you head over there now you will see that I only have one article 3 pack up for $1.  This is to give people a sample of what I do and the quality of work. The article pack is on plasma and lcd televisions

If you buy it and like it, please comment and follow me on twitter @greatplrnow!

thanks for stopping by!

Great PLR Now- My new site

I have just created a new website what is going to cater to people who don't like to write.  The site is called  I hope you stop buy and find the plr articles that you need and want.

Members of my list, the opt-in is on my website, will get a discount code that will last forever.  But that is only to members of my list and it will not start until I get 10 subscribers.

thanks for stopping by!  I hope you find what you need!