Saturday, June 11, 2011

Why Great PLR Now was started

In my travels through the internet marketing world, I discovered that certain people like to do one thing (like squidoo) and totally hate other things (like writing articles).  That is why I started Great PLR Now, because I love to write.  I would rather write than build a lens or a web page. 

All of the articles on Great PLR Now will be hand written by me, spell checked, and saved as a text file.  All of them will be original and the quality will be through the roof!

If you head over there now you will see that I only have one article 3 pack up for $1.  This is to give people a sample of what I do and the quality of work. The article pack is on plasma and lcd televisions

If you buy it and like it, please comment and follow me on twitter @greatplrnow!

thanks for stopping by!

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